According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted last year, about three-quarters of U.S. adults (74%) said “the country should do whatever it takes to protect the environment,” compared with 23% who said, “the country has gone too far in its efforts to protect the environment.” In this article, you’ll learn about the best colleges for environmental science, their acceptance and graduation rates and an overview of their curriculum.

What is Environmental Science?

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that combines physical, biological and information sciences to the study of the environment, as well as provide solutions to environmental problems. This course sprang up from the fields of natural history and medicine as it provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems. Environmental studies adopt more of the social sciences for understanding human relationships, perceptions and policies towards the environment. On the other hand, Environmental engineering focuses on design and technology for improving environmental quality in every aspect. Environmental scientists study subjects like the understanding of earth processes, evaluating alternative energy systems, pollution control and mitigation, natural resource management, and the effects of global climate change.

What Can You Do With an Environmental Science Degree?

Most times, students like you avoid a course such as Environmental Science. And it’s usually due to a misconception that each person possessed either from random conversations or what their friends advised. If you’ve heard that before, then you probably heard a lie. Because as long as humanity exists on Earth, the need for environmental scientists will be forever there. So, if you’re still thinking of the available jobs you can get as an environmental scientist, some of them include;

Environmental ScientistEnvironmental LawyerZoologist Environmental Engineer Conservation ScientistHydrologistTeacher

In summary, these jobs require specific skill sets but they all demand the same environmental science major.

13 Best Colleges For Environmental Science in 2022

When considering the best colleges for environmental science in 2022, we deduced our ranking factors from their academic reputation, number of available programs and quality of research and education. Hence, the best colleges for environmental science include;

#13. University of Southern California

USC enjoy an education shaped by good values. Moreso, their legacy of rigorous analysis of the built environment in traditional sectors such as transportation, housing and real estate, economic development, environmental sustainability, and healthy community development has led to key discoveries. USC continually works to ensure that the environment remains habitable for humans to live. In fact, this is one of the courses they have committed to promoting in their school and the world at large. In summary, USC is completely an ideal centre for learning and thus stands out as one of the best colleges for environmental science in the world.

#12. Dartmouth College

Founded in 1769, Dartmouth College is a private Ivy League research university in Hannover, New Hampshire, United States and also the ninth-oldest institution of higher education. Today, Dartmouth College has an acceptance rate of 10% and a graduation rate of 94%. The faculty and students of the Environmental Studies Program engage in research, scholarship, and creative work aimed at understanding and governing the complex relationships between society and the environment. Their work adopts concepts and methods from a variety of fields in the biophysical sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities. The environmental studies collaborate with the ENVS faculty to give students a lot of opportunities to get hands-on experience with research. Every student closely works with their fellow undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs and faculty on ongoing research, and they also possess the opportunity to design their own projects.

#11. Washington University

Washington University in St. Louis is a private research university in Greater St. Louis which is also incorporated with the Louis County. WU has an acceptance rate of 16% and a graduation rate of 93% as well. In the Environmental Studies program, Washington University tries to understand these systems and how they influence the planet’s diverse ecosystems, natural resources, human communities in addition to local and global political systems. Their Environmental Studies minor is a flexible option that gives students the opportunity to research disciplines that complement your major. We also offer a variety of courses that are integral to environment-related majors in the Earth and planetary sciences.

#10. Bowdoin College

Bowdoin College is a private liberal arts college in Brunswick, Maine. This college has an acceptance rate of 14% and a graduation rate of 93%. Bowdoin believes in researching and protecting the environment from the coastal ecosystems that surround and sustain us, to the humid jungles and Arctic poles that inspired some of their pioneer students. Environmental studies at Bowdoin reflects the College’s recognition that humans must learn to live in harmony with nature and that human activities are dependent upon natural processes. Hence, when it comes to the best colleges for environmental science, Bowdoin cannot be left out.

#9. Harvard University

Harvard is arguably the best university in the world. They have that claim having occupied that position for years. Moreso, Harvard’s programs are usually taught by the best of minds and complement the latest practices of the profession. Harvard believes in order to remain ahead of the competition, innovation and research must never stop. And they have continuously done through the presentation of lectures and papers on advanced ways of executing planning. The department of environmental science at Harvard is one of their top departments. Hence, when it comes to the best environmental science colleges, Harvard makes the list.

#8. Pomona College

Founded in 1887, Pomona College is a private liberal arts college in Claremont, California. Today, they are the founding member of Claremont Colleges consortium. Pomona College has an acceptance rate of 8% and a graduation rate of 94% as well. Environmental Analysis at Pomona College provides you with an interdisciplinary approach to environmental issues. You’ll start with core classes that introduce you to environmental history, science, and current issues. Immediately you familiarize with the range of topics, you will select a track in Environmental Science or the Environment and Society and explore those issues with pre-designed course paths in sustainability and the built environment, environmental economics, environmental values etc. Students get to test their knowledge with real-life environmental problems at the senior level. So, with this level of knowledge and exposure, Pomona College remains one of the best colleges for environmental science.

#7. Columbia University

Columbia University is one of the world’s vital centres of research and simultaneously an exceptional learning environment for all students in different professional fields. Indeed, this University understands the relevance of its location in New York City thereby they seek to build a link to all its centres. Furthermore, they’re interested in creating a diverse and international faculty and student body, to support research on universal challenges. Subsequently, CU hopes to create academic relationships with many countries and regions. As a result, they expect all areas of the University to promote knowledge and learning at the strongest level.

#6. Middlebury College

Founded in 1800, Middlebury College is a private liberal arts college located in Middlebury, Vermont. This school has an acceptance rate of 17% and a graduation rate of 95% as well. Figures that indicate slimmer chances of getting admission if you don’t do very well. The School of Environmental Science at Middlebury has four foci with each major featuring in foci. These foci’s include; Arts Foci, Humanities Foci, Natural Science Foci, and Social Science Foci. Each student takes courses around that curriculum in order to build interdisciplinary knowledge 0of human relationship and the environment. Hence, their academic structure and environmental culture make them one of the best colleges for environmental science in the world.

#5. University of Chicago

The University of Chicago is purely a research university that has introduced new ways of thinking. Truly, they remain committed to building and promoting excellence in all their educational fields. UChicago empowers its students to go beyond the limits of conventional thinking in pursuit of original ideas. Hence, all students in the College develop critical, analytic, and communication skills through their rigorous, interdisciplinary core curriculum. In summary, their students test their ideas with UChicago scholars wherein they become the next generation of leaders in diverse areas of the industry. So, when it comes to the best colleges for environmental science, you can’t leave them out.

#4. Duke University

Duke University is one university with a rigid academic reputation, hard work principle and excellent delivery. Furthermore, they’re popularly known for their collaboration with Coursera in the production of short courses. Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment trains individuals who want to partake in making decisions that will build the environment. The school offers Master of Environmental Management, Master of Forestry, PhD and some many other programs as well. In total, Duke University offers ten master degree programs in their Nicholas School Environment wherein you can advance yourself as an environmental scientist.

#3. California Institute of Technology

The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) is a private doctorate-granting research university in Pasadena, California. In environmental sciences and engineering, they are one of the top schools. Although CalTech started as a preparatory and vocational school, after some time, the vocational school was eliminated and they immediately assumed the responsibilities of a college. Today, Caltech has six academic faculties with a strong emphasis on science and engineering, managing $332 million in 2011 in sponsored research. Probably they currently rank among the best colleges in environmental science due to their heavy investment in research.

#2. Yale University

Founded in 1701, Yale in spite of its challenges has remained committed to building and sharing knowledge in addition to inspiring innovation. Consequently, Yale plans on reaching interested individuals in all countries. Yale possesses a system that supports engagement among people and institutions across the globe in the quest to promote cultural understanding, improve the condition of humans, train leaders and carry out deeper research. Yale has graduated alumni members who have pioneered research in different areas. Hence, they’ve become a top university.

#1. Stanford University

Stanford University has a plethora of stories in line with its innovations in different fields. Although they aren’t the best university in the world, they have created a standard which other schools have adopted. Whether it is engineering, science, medicine or law, Stanford will immediately present you with a structure that will eventually help you achieve your dreams. Stanford University’s School of Earth and Environmental Sciences hosts a lot of courses aimed at promoting knowledge of environmental care and control. Hence, they top our list of best colleges for environmental science. Yes, Environmental Science is a good major. Environmental Science is a subject area that focuses on environmental problems and how to solve them. Yes, Environmental Science is a good career. You can become an Environmental Scientist, Environmental Lawyer, Zoologist, Hydrologist and much more. Well, Environemtal Science is not difficult but requires your dedication.


If the environment continues to decline, the survival of humanity will be in question. Hence, Environmental Scientists must take a bold step to address the harm humanity puts themselves into when they don’t take care of their environment. The schools which have listed in this article are the best colleges, however, they’re not the only colleges that offer Environmental Science programs. You can go further to make your research in case you are not comfortable with any of the schools above. I wish you success!


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