What Is A Life Experience Degree?

An LED is a degree that you acquire on the premise of your past work experience. Typically, a life experience degree will help build your career. It helps you to compete with others who already have degrees but lack practical job experience. Various colleges and universities now provide credits to students based on the life experience they have gotten from their jobs, employment history, work skills, education, military training, or through social work or community-based work experience. 
Many universities also offer associate and bachelor’s degree based life experience programs in fields such as data engineering, business administration, accounting, early childhood education, communications, sales, culinary expressions, information technology, drafting, human resources, nursing and so on.

Online Life Experience Degrees

The idea of an online life experience degree is known throughout the world. If by chance you were not able to complete your university, college or training, then, you need to start working quickly to help you, you can enroll in an online life experience degree. You don’t have to stress yourself for the time you missed out in getting your job instead of getting an education and you can make the most of those lost years in the school world by earning an accredited Life Experience Certificate. You may also like to red 15+ Jobs Where You Can Make A Difference

What Are The Eligible Experiences For Life Experience Degree Programs?

Accredited LEDmay includes management related courses, workshops, preparation, competent confirmation or military instruction, as well as courses taken at a school, college, university, professional or specialized institution. In addition, volunteer work with large associations and autonomous composition and reading can also certify professional education based on life experience. Do you need clarity on certain questions or a guide as a student? Then, check out our LIMITLESS TIPS FOR STUDENTS.

Life Experience Degree Application Requirements

To get an accredited LED fast as an applicant, you are to submit certain documents as proof of your educational attainment and work accomplished. These documents include:

College course transcriptsAmerican Council on Education transcriptsAwardsCertificatesPortfoliosJob reviews.

However, some LED programs also accept letters from previous employers describing your job responsibilities and accomplishments in detail. Notwithstanding, most accredited life experience-based college degree programs may administer exams to assess your life experience and prior learning. Be inspired to achieve more!!! Check Out The 10 Youngest PhD Holders HERE.

Life Experience Degree Accreditation

Before applying for a fast LED, be sure to look up for its application. Some life experience higher education degree programs are not accredited and also, not highly regarded. Students are therefore advised to be careful as they apply for life experience based degrees, especially at the masters and Ph.D. levels. This is so because most of them are typically not accredited and licensed by approved organizations. Applicants for life experience based associate’s and bachelor’s degrees are also advised to make research to ensure that the colleges they wish to attend are accredited notwithstanding the college credit they may receive from paid or volunteer work. To check the credibility of organizations that accredit life experience based college degrees, students can search a database of the U.S. Department of Education. You can visit their website via the link below.

The LED Programs Colleges And Universities

As said earlier, several colleges and universities offer on-campus and online LED programs at the associate and undergraduate levels. Below is a list of colleges and universities where you can get the best life experience degrees.

Oneida University Charleston State UniversitySheffield State UniversityHampden State UniversityConcordia College & UniversityUniversity of Western CaliforniaUniversity of DentonCentral Michigan University’s Global CampusBerklee College of Music OnlineColorado State University’s Global CampusLinfield College Oneida University Colorado Christian UniversityUniversity of PhoenixWalden College

Oneida University 

Oneida University, an online university created by the governors of 19 western states, implicitly offers a degree program attesting to the life experience, as its entire model is based on skills and credits. On the undergraduate level, you can acquire a whole accredited associate degree or bachelor’s degree through an assessment of earlier learning. In addition, the school is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of International Colleges and Universities (ACICU).

Charleston State University

With its formation in 1978, Charleston State University offers the complete U.S. broadly licensed degree system focused around former learning and life experience degree credits. CSU gives the opportunity, utilizing your expert mastery, aptitudes, learning, and life experience, to procure your life experience Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate Degree fast and on your own terms. In addition, the Online Life Experience Diploma projects at Charleston State University are considered imaginative and incremental because they inspire exploration and instruction. Charleston State University is also, considered one of the 25 best online universities for the legitimate degree factbook and meets the guidelines of the United States Division of Labor on non-traditional education.

Sheffield State University

Founded in 1997, Sheffield State University offers one of the best and accredited LED programs in 300+ majors. SSU accepts and provides credits in courses for you to earn this degree through the Jobs, Military Training, or through Social Work or Community based work experience.  In addition, the school is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of International Colleges and Universities (ACICU).

Hampden State University

Hampden State University is one of the colleges that provide life experience degree programs based on the American advanced education framework. The school started competency-based degree Programs in 1997 and it’s become the most reliable degree in the corporate world. Also, they offer different programs at the associate, bachelor’s, masters and Ph.D. levels. In addition, HSU is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of International College and Universities (ACICU).

Concordia College & University

Concordia College & University in Wilmington, Delaware gives you the fastest access to the nation’s most affordable accredited national LED program, accepted and respected by over 75% of employers. If you are an adult with a high school diploma and at least three years of experience in the field in which you are seeking a degree, Concordia College can help you. The school’s nationally accredited fast-track degree program is based entirely on prior learning and life experience credits.

University of Western California

The University of Western California offers a wide range of Life Experience and online degree programs for Associate, Bachelor Masters, and PhD degree levels. Also, UWC provides the best e-learning environment available to our students. The distance learning institution at UWC facilitates learning through online technology rather than the physical constraints of traditional colleges institutions. Therefore, as a prospective student, your location will not be a barrier to your earning the degree as you can do so anywhere you are.

University of Denton

The University of Denton offers accredited life experience programs to its students. They also provide associate, bachelor’s, masters and Ph.D. degrees to all those working experts who were not able to go any University for higher education but have enough working experience to give a tough time to the regular graduates in the business world. Furthermore, the University of Denton is recognized and accredited by the Accrediting Commission of International Colleges and Universities (ACICU).

Central Michigan University’s Global Campus

The CMU Global Campus offers a generous prior learning program, which allows students to apply up to 60 undergraduate credits and 10 postgraduate credits acquired through alternative learning paths. Founded in the 1970s, CMU launched this program by accepting military credits. Since then, the school has expanded the program to include work experiences, training (for example, workshops, seminars or professional development) and life experiences (for example, volunteer activities). In addition to the challenge exams, students can also present the College Level Exam Program (CLEP) credits and Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) portfolios for consideration.

Berklee College of Music Online

As a school of music, Berklee College of Music recognizes that much of the artist’s learning is outside the classroom. As a result, the school allows students to earn up to 30 credits for their bachelor’s degree through the application of previous apprenticeship credits. Available disciplines include music production, music business, songwriting, guitar, electronic music production, music composition, and interdisciplinary music studies. In addition, students must compare their experience with required courses and then work with an educational advisor to create a portfolio.

Colorado State University’s Global Campus

More than one-tenth of students are studying entirely online through the Colorado State University Global campus which offers a variety of undergraduate degree completion programs, graduate degrees, certificates, and other continuing education opportunities. CSU’s online arm of learning is committed to helping students finish their degrees in smart ways that take advantage of their existing knowledge.  The university accepts credit from Advanced Placement testing at the high school level, college courses you completed during dual enrollment in high school, International Baccalaureate credits, CLEP testing, and more.

Linfield College

Linfield College accepts up to 30 experience credits, listing standard sources, travel, personal interests, family and life experiences. The Department of Online and Continuing Education oversees the process of granting college credits for life experience and helps students earn hours for activities such as vocational training, workshops, travel, family, volunteering and personal interests. Credits can be obtained through CLEP exam or by challenging a course final. In addition, students who were previously in the military or who have participated in workforce training can also receive credits approved by the American Board of Education.

Colorado Christian University

The College of Adult and Graduate Studies of the CCU oversees the granting of life/experience credits. Students looking for an associate degree can earn up to 45 credits, while those enrolled in a four-year program can earn up to 75 credits. The CLEP and DSST credits are authorized per examination, as well as the previous learning assessment portfolios. Students with previous certifications or licenses may also receive credits, provided they are approved by the American Board of Education.

The University of Memphis’s Global Campus

Recognizing that much of the learning is done outside of the conference room, unified messaging allows students to earn prior learning credits through many channels. An exam credit is allowed for students who have passed the CLEP, DSST, Department, Advanced Level of Placement or International Baccalaureate examinations. Students may also apply for a Portfolio Assessment Credit for licenses or certificates obtained at work or for military training and experience.

University of Phoenix

The University of Phoenix, Arizona allows students to take advantage of additional credit opportunities from various real-life learning experiences. In addition to encouraging students to submit their industry certifications and military experience archives, the school also offers PLA portfolios, CLEP exams, DSST credits per exam, UExcel, and AP exams.

Walden College

Walden College works with students at every stage to make earning a college degree easy and affordable. Also, students may be able to use prior learning assessment portfolios, professional certifications or workforce training as credits.


Applying your professional and life experience towards an accredited experience degree can be one of your best investments. We hope this article will help you in making your decision.