Applying for a scholarship in France will give you an opportunity to study and also learn the French language. France has fully funded scholarships as well as interesting partially funded ones. France is one of the countries that have the most prestigious universities. There is so much diversity there. It is always nice to know that you will fit right in when you arrive. Some of the scholarship’s deadline has passed to be continued next year while some are currently ongoing. All Congo students and other international students are advised to apply now.

15 Scholarships for Congo to Study in France

Here are the lists of Ongoing scholarships for Congo to Study in France 2022-2023

#1. Emile Boutmy scholarships for Non-EU students

The Emile Boutmy scholarships are funded by the Science Po University. It was established in honor of the founder of science Po university. The scholarship aims to attract first-time international applicants into the university. Congo students wishing to study in France may apply.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is taken at the science Po University, France. it is eligible to Congo undergraduate students.


The Congo scholarship is open to Undergraduates.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship worth varies. it ranges from €3000 to €12,300 for three years of undergraduate study. on an exceptional basis, a scholarship of €19000 may be granted for the period of college study.

Application Deadline

Scholarship deadline is February 28, 2022 Application Link

#2. INSEAD Nelson Mandela MBA Scholarships for Africa

The INSEAD scholarship was created by the INSEAD MBA class of ’75 at their 30th class reunion. this was done to honour the work and life of President Nelson Mandela of South Africa. The aim is to support African students financially to study in France.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is hosted by INSEAD. It is eligible to Congo students.


The Congo scholarship is open to MBA programs.

Scholarship Worth:

The scholarship has a value of up to €20,000 awarded to recipients.

Application Deadline:

The application is open for two rounds. The deadline for the first round is 8 April 2022 while the second round ends on 3 June. Currently, this scholarship is unavailable as we will update you if it becomes active again. Application Link

#3. Stephen M. Kellen Scholarships France

The Stephen M. Kellen scholarship is a dual BA program between the science Po and Freie Universitat France. The scholarship grants law, history, economic, and political science students the opportunity to study in France. The two years spent at each university is duly covered with living allowances. A great opportunity for Congo students to study in France.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is taken at science Po and Freie Universitat France. Eligible for international students with congo inclusive.


The scholarship is open to Undergraduates.

Scholarship Worth:

The scholarship covers two years tuition fee in addition to a living allowance of $6000 per year for the two years spent at Science Po. it also awards an extra living allowance of $7000 per year for the two years at Freie University.

Application Deadline:

Application deadline is 23 June. Application Link

#4. Genevieve McMillan-Reba Stewart Foundation Scholarships

The Genevieve McMillian-Reba Stewart Foundation was established to realize the vision of its founder Genevieve. This is  in memory of the work and life of her friend artist Reba Stewat. The scholarships promotes McMillians passion for the Africa Continent. it is a scholarship available to Africans to study in France.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship host is the Genevieve McMillian-Reba Stewart Foundation in partnership with the Science Po France. Congo Undergraduates are eligible to apply.


The congo scholarship is open to Undergraduates.

Scholarship Worth:

The scholarship is a fully funded one. It covers the full tuition fee for the duration of the undergraduate study. grants for living expenses may be awarded.

Application Deadline:

Deadline is 8 April Application Link

#5. International Fashion Academy fully funded scholarship France

The International Fashion Academy offers up to 3 scholarships which include full scholarship, excellent scholarship and distinction scholarship. The Full scholarship covers 100% tuition waiver. Congo students are advised to apply for this scholarship.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship host is the International Fashion Academy. it is open to international students including Congo.


The scholarship is open to Undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Scholarship Worth:

The scholarship is a fully funded one. it covers 100% tuition fee.

Application Deadline:

Deadline is 15 March Application Link

Masters Scholarships for Congo to Study in France

#6. Ampere Excellence Scholarships for International Students

Ampere Excellence Scholarship provides an opportunity for Congo to study in France. The scheme offer masters scholarship in the field of science and Arts. Congo Students are advised to apply.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is taken at ENS de Lyon, France. Congo students are Eligible to apply.


The Congo scholarship is open to Masters students.

Scholarship Worth:

The scholarship has a value of 1000€ per month for 1-2 years.

Application Deadline:

The scholarship application ended on 10 January. Do well to check back same month next year. Application Link

#7. Eiffel Scholarship for International students

The Effiel Scholarships was established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. This scholarship is to enable the French institution to attract foreign students for masters and Ph.D. programs. This is a good opportunity for Congo students to study in France.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is hosted in collaboration with French universities. Congo students are eligible to apply.


The Congo Scholarship is open to Masters and PhD levels.

Scholarship Worth:

The scholarship worth varies for masters and PhD students. For Masters level, the scholarship includes a monthly allowance of €1,081 which runs for 1-3 years. For PhD levels, the scholarship includes a monthly allowance of €1,400 which runs for a maximum of 12 months only.

Application Deadline:

Scholarship application portal is open and will end on 9th January, 2022. Application Link

#8. ENS International Selection Scholarships

The ENS scholarship is for international students who wish to pursue a master’s degree in the field of science or arts and humanities. It is an annual scholarship. International students with Congo inclusive may grab this opportunity to study abroad.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship host is the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris France. Eligible for international students with Congo inclusive.


The Congo scholarship is open to Masters students.

Scholarship Worth:

The scholarship grants 1000 Euros monthly to its recipient for three years including a room on the school campus.

Application Deadline:

Deadline falls within October annually. Application Link

#9. Grenoble Institute of Technology Foundation Scholarships

The Grenoble INP foundation scholarship scheme is for academically excelling international students seeking for a masters degree program. The scholarship awards up to 5000 Euros to its recipients. Congo students are advised to apply.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship host is the Grenoble INP foundation. It is open for Congo and other international students to apply.


The Congo scholarship is open to masters students.

Scholarship Worth:

The scholarship awards up to 5000 Euros per semester for a maximum of 2 semesters only.

Application Deadline:

Deadline to the scholarship is February annually. Application Link

#10. Universite Paris-Saclay International Masters Scholarships

The academic merit-based Unversite Paris-Saclay scholarship is available to international students. The scholarship is funded by IDEX and for a period of 1 to 2 years. Congo students who wish to study in France may apply.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is taken at the Universite Paris-Saclay France. It is open to Congo and other international students.


The Congo scholarship is open to Masters Students.

Scholarship Worth:

The scholarship is worth €10,000 for a period of no less than 10 months per year. a travel grant and visa expenses of €1000 is also given depending on the individuals country of origin.

Application Deadline:

Application deadline is usually April annually Application Link

#11. Center International de Mathematiques et d’informatique (CIMI) Masters Fellowship

Each year the CIMI masers fellowship provides a number of scholarships to foreign students in the field of mathematics and Computer Science. Congo students who wish to study in France may grab this opportunity.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship host is the CIMI masters fellowship. Congo students are eligible to apply.


The congo scholarship is open to Masters students.

Scholarship Worth:

The value of the scholarship will be according to the recipient start session. The scholarship covers tuition fee and part of living expenses. 600€ will be awarded monthly to recipient starting in the first year 1000€  will be awarded monthly to recipient starting in the second year.

Application Deadline:

Deadline is usually 3 February annually. Application Link

#12. L’Oreal Excellence Award Africa

The L’Oreal scholarship is a merit scholarship awarded to African students. This scholarship gives room for African students including Congo to pursue a masters degree in France.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship host is the L’Oreal Excellence Foundation in collaboration with Science Po France. Eligible to African students with Congo inclusive.


The Congo scholarship is open to Masters students.

Scholarship Worth:

The scholarship has a worth of 2500 euros.

Application Deadline:

Deadline is usually March annually. Application Link

#13. International Space University Scholarships for Developing Countries

The International Space University in collaboration with industries and government agencies help support international students unable to cover their tuition fee. The scheme covers part o their fee and living expenses. international students including Congo can apply.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship host is the International Space University France. The scholarship is open to Congo students to study in France.


The scholarship is open to Postgraduate students.

Scholarship Worth:

The scholarship is a partially funded one. it covers part of the tuition fee and living expenses.

Application Deadline:

scholarship deadline varies with the program available. Application Link

#14. UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Reporting Fellowship

The GEM reporting fellowship is an independent, evidence-based report that monitors education in sustainable development goals. it is a benchmark for applicants from all nationalities to acquire quality and sustainable education. Congo and other international students can apply.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship host is the GEM reporting fellowship. Congo students may apply.


Open to Postgraduate students.

Scholarship Worth:

The scholarship offers a stipend of up to $25,000 and covers full travel cost.

Application Deadline:

Deadline is usually September annually. Application Link

#15. Carmago Core Fellowship Program in Arts and Humanities

The Carmago Core Fellowship program is the historical and flagship of the foundation. Each year, the foundation encourages groundbreaking research and experimentation. Congo students who wish to pursue a postgraduate degree in the field of Arts and humanities may apply.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship host is the Carmago core fellowship program. It ie Eligible to Congo and other international students to apply.


Open to Postgraduate students.

Scholarship Worth:

The scholarship grants a stipend of 250 USD weekly and covers transportation cost.

Application Deadline:

The deadline is usually October annually. Application Link


When you apply for any of the scholarships outlined in this article, you increase your chances of studying in any of France’s universities as a Congo Student.


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