The Anzisha Prize 2022 is an Opportinity for Africans aimed at building capacity in the young businesses with potentials to lead the African Market and also commitment to satisfy the unquenching desires of the growing African population.

About Mastercard Anzisha Prize 2022

Application are invited from all African Countries or from Applicants with African origin. African Leadership Academy seeks to transform Africa by developing a powerful network of over 6,000 leaders who will work together to address Africa’s greatest challenges, achieve extraordinary social impact, and accelerate the continent’s growth trajectory. Africa’s greatest need is ethical and entrepreneurial leadership. Too often, we only invest in addressing the symptoms of poor leadership in Africa: we give blankets, food, and medicine to those impacted by war, poverty, and famine. But these efforts will never stop unless we develop leaders who prevent wars, entrepreneurs who create jobs, and innovators that develop lasting solutions to the root causes of Africa’s problems. We aim to develop the future Nelson Mandela, the next Wangari Maathai, and the African Bill Gates.

Eligibile Nationality:

All African Countries are Eligible. Apply now.

Prize to be Won from Anizisha Prize 2022

Value of the Fellowship – Additional investment of $8,000/ $10,000 in each Fellow

Eligibility Criteria for Mastercard Anzisha Prize 2022

SEE ALSO: Fully Funded Scholarships for Africans

Selection Criteria

Already Running Venture: Is the venture established with customers and beneficiaries? Does the venture deliver value to said beneficiaries and customers?Founder-led: Is the venture led and managed by the founder?Impact: Has the venture demonstrated some impact already?Scalability: If the venture is a for-profit business, does it already earn revenues and does it have potential increase revenues with the support of Anzisha? If the venture is a not-for-profit enterprise, does it already reach beneficiaries and does it have the potential to reach many more beneficiaries with support from Anzisha?Job Creation: Has the venture created some jobs and has the potential to create more high quality jobs?

How to Apply 

You’re taking your first step to join our support network and stand a chance of winning a share of $100,000 to grow your business. Thank you for sharing your business or project with us! In order to complete your application you will need to have the following documents ready:

A copy of your ID (Identification Document)Company registration documents (if your venture is registered)Logos for your venture/projectPictures of your projectA photo of yourself

Click Here to download Full Guide to the Anzisha Prize Note that you can save your application at any stage, and return later to complete the questions. If you need help, email us on Aplication Link In English Applications Link in France Application Link in Portugal Application Link in Arabic

Application Deadline: 

March 31st 2022. Mastercard Anzisha Prize 2022 is here for you. Apply today.