Life depends on biodiversity. Our air, water, and food depend on the variety of life found in ecosystems around the world. However, because of human activity, one million species of plants and animals are currently on the verge of extinction. Humans have significantly altered 75% of the earth’s environment. This year, the UN reported that nature is declining globally at an unprecedented rate in human history. As the environment declines rapidly, we need bold social innovators that bring people together to address this vast, complex and urgent problem. In this piece, we promise to furnish you with valuable information that will help you access and apply for this challenge.

About Ashoka

Since 1981, Ashoka has identified, assembled and invested in a network of over 3,500 of the world’s top social entrepreneurs in 90 countries. His innovations, which change systems, inspire and empower more citizens to be agents of change. The Ashoka is already the world’s largest network of thought leaders and has changed across the board. His goal is to grow in number and variety at an even faster pace while creating a world. “Everybody a changemaker. For more than 35 years, Ashoka has built and nurtured the largest network of leading social entrepreneurs in the world. After a rigorous selection process, they are introduced to a life-long fellowship, where every member is committed to championing new patterns of social good.


Understanding the importance of biodiversity to preserve water quality, VITTEL® has been working for the past 30 years to preserve nature in the city of Vittel and the surrounding area of the Vosges, in France. In partnership with INRA (National Institute of Agronomic Research), VITTEL® teams have involved local stakeholders, including farmers, industries, policymakers, scientists, tourism agencies and citizens, to establish a zero pesticide policy for protecting the basin, preserving the local ecosystem, leading reforestation efforts, preserving and restoring habitats of endangered species. Now VITTEL® is expanding its commitment by supporting social innovators around the world who come together to preserve biodiversity in their local ecosystems.

What You Need To Know About The Ashoka Changemakers/VITTEL Act for Biodiversity Challenge 2021

Ashoka Changemakers Challenge Benefits

All eligible participants will

Receive comments from the Ashoka & VITTEL® and Nestlé S.A. networks Become known internally on the Ashoka & VITTEL® and Nestlé S.A. networks Be invited to participate in the peer-review process Be considered as potential candidates for acceleration and joint creation opportunities with VITTEL®, Nestlé S.A. and Ashoka Be considered for the functions in the VITTEL® public communications campaigns (prior authorization of the participant) and, therefore, benefit from great communication and distribution.

Semifinalists (up to 50) will

Have the opportunity to refine your entry and incorporate the comments received in the selection phase Receive additional comments from experts from Ashoka & VITTEL® and Nestlé S.A. Be referenced on the VITTEL® website in the semifinalist announcement Be invited to participate in online calls for semifinalists to connect with each other

The finalists (up to 15) will

Participate in an event in person (covered travel expenses) with opportunities to establish contacts with VITTEL®, Nestlé S.A. and Ashoka Access additional online networking opportunities with Ashoka and VITTEL® and Nestlé S.A. Appear on Ashoka’s social media channels Refer to the VITTEL® website in the finalists’ announcement Present your initiatives live before the panel of judges (in the event in person) It will also be reviewed by a group of VITTEL® employees and stakeholders, who will vote to choose their favorites. (The results of the vote will be considered by the judges in the final deliberation).

Winners (up to 4)

All winners will receive a cash prize (a total of CHF 60,000 will be distributed among the winners); All winners will appear on VITTEL® PR coverage on the results of the challenge; 2 winners will be invited to participate in a collective impact accelerator with VITTEL®, Nestlé S.A. and Ashoka.

Eligibility for Ashoka Changemakers/VITTEL Act for Biodiversity Challenge 2021

The contest is opened to applicants who meet the following criteria:

Be 18 years or older by the time they submit the application Request with a project that has already been implemented beyond the stage of the idea (must have implemented at least one pilot) and thus is able to present at least initial evidence of impact They have been incorporated as a non-profit, for-profit or hybrid organization, or have a fiscal sponsor Speak English and/or French fluently (winners are expected to participate in activities that require English or French proficiency)

Additional terms

Only one application will be accepted per initiative. Entries will only be accepted in English or French. Employees of VITTEL®, Nestlé SA and its parent companies, affiliates and subsidiaries, joint ventures, advertising agencies, promotional agencies and other service providers for this challenge, their immediate family members (spouse, father, son, brother, regardless of where reside). ) and those living in the same household are not eligible. Partners or initiatives that are already funded or supported by VITTEL® or Nestlé S.A., its subsidiaries, subsidiaries or joint ventures are not eligible.

Selection Criteria

IMPACT: The leading initiatives will show how they are having a positive social and/or environmental impact to preserve biodiversity in at least 1 of the 3 focus areas of the challenge Competitive applicants may provide qualitative and quantitative metrics used to track progress. Initiatives should also describe the potential impact of innovation in the future and how they are addressing the root cause of the problem. INNOVATION: Leading initiatives will have an original approach, which could involve inventing something new or applying existing approaches in new ways or in a new context. We are particularly interested in models that use new approaches to cause mentality changes that lead to widespread change. FINANCIAL AND OPERATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY: Applicants must have realistic plans on how to continue creating long-term impact by mobilizing resources such as financing, financing, equipment, partnerships or support networks. Entries should describe not only how they currently finance their work, but also how they plan to finance it in the future. ACTIVATING CHANGERS: The initiative’s strategy must include an approach that empowers and multiplies the creators of change through inspiring stories, mobilizing and sharing resources or another approach that leads to a greater number of creators of change in the world. GROWTH AND POTENTIAL LEADERSHIP: Leading initiatives must be viable in a wide oasis of scale and/or replicable for other social, cultural or geographic environments. They must show leadership and team skills to influence the field in which they work and, at the same time, empower citizens as creators of change and involve stakeholders as key actors that can contribute to their initiative and positive change

How to apply for Ashoka Changemakers/VITTEL Act for Biodiversity Challenge 2021

To apply for the Ashoka Changemakers/VITTEL Act for the Biodiversity Challenge 2021, click on the application link.

Application Deadline

The deadline for the offer is March 3rd, 2021 The Ashoka Changemakers/VITTEL Act for Biodiversity Challenge is available for International applicants All winners will receive a cash prize (a total of CHF 60,000 will be distributed among the winners)

Reference › › tag › ashoka-changemakers-vittel

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