Welcoming over 24,000 students from all around the globe, this institution of higher learning provides a soothing environment to enhance the flow of communication between the students and members of staff. The table of contents below will lead you into the eligibility criteria and how to apply for this international excellence award at Flinders University.

About the Flinders University Excellence International Awards

Renowned for its standard of teaching, Flinders University deems it fit to continually improve the quality of education given to its students. So, if you are interested in pursuing a degree program at this Australian University, do well to make the most of this opportunity. Read further to see the eligibility requirements.

Level/Field of Study

All undergraduates of Flinders University can apply.

Host Nationality

This award program is hosted in Australia.

Eligible Nationality

This award program is open to all international students who display excellence in their academics.

What is the Value of this Award?

Once you are eligible and qualify for the excellence award, the Flinders University will provide you with a 25% reduction in tuition fees for the duration of your designated course of study. However, the number of awards available is not disclosed.

How to Apply for the Flinders University Excellence International Awards in Australia

To apply for this award, you can complete your application online which is after you have sought admission to the institution of higher learning. To qualify, you must meet the following requirements When you will have met the above requirements, you can now apply through the link below.

When is the Deadline for this Award?

The closing date is undisclosed for now. While you have ample time to still apply, do well to check for more updates when the deadline is.


If finance is going to deter you from pursuing that course of study you’ve always wanted to as you have maintained a good GPA at the Flinders University, kindly read through this article to make a big catch for yourself. Excellence never goes unrewarded.

