This is how it goes:

Frees Up your Time

Effortless logistics and shipping

Storage Space



Fast delivery

This is a challenging issue because so many variables are involved. The average vendor makes $1,000 per month in sales, but some make $250,000.  You can begin conducting product research once you’ve chosen a niche. Even though you are enthusiastic about your market and the products you sell, it can take time to turn a profit. You must therefore carry out product research. Once you have decided on the market segment and the goods you want to sell, you can search for a supplier. 

Step 2: Search for Product Suppliers

You must hunt for suppliers who can provide you with high-quality products before you start listing and selling your products. You will only have something to sell if you source products. Additionally, it takes time because you want to find the most significant and dependable source.  Here are a few methods for finding a supplier:  You can begin testing the goods after looking for product vendors. Take hold of some of their product samples to see if they are high-quality. Researching shipping firms and prices is the final step. This is crucial, mainly if you are sourcing internationally. Make careful to include the shipping charge in your product pricing because it can reduce your profit margin. Consider inquiring about how quickly you may receive the items. You must be able to swiftly replenish your inventory because a product’s stock can run low.

Step 3: Establish your brand

Finding a name and brand for your company should come after picking a product and handling the shipment. A brand must be recognizable and distinct when it is created. Here are the steps for developing a distinctive brand. 

Step 5: Create your product listings. 

  1. Click on Create a new product listing and select the category that best fits the items you plan to sell. 

  2. Complete the necessary details, including the product’s name, description, manufacturer, price, and Universal Product Code (UPC). Purchase a UPC first if you don’t already have one before you begin creating a product listing. 

  3. Select Save and Finish. 

Step 6: Prepare your products. 

Step 8: Market your products

Use social media networking, PPC marketing, and sponsored commercials to promote your products.


You can create a recipe for a regular five- or six-figure income with little effort, the correct tools for product research, an initial investment, and a little luck. 

