The University of Maine is now receiving applications from eligible students in the state of Maine. To become a beneficiary, you must graduate with a high CGPA and satisfy other eligibility criteria. This article garners all that you need to apply for this scholarship and become a beneficiary. The table of contents below highlights the information embedded in this piece.

About Maine Global Partner Undergraduate Scholarship

The Maine Global Partner Undergraduate Scholarship is designed to encourage high school graduates in the state of Maine. Graduating students with a CGPA of 3.0 and above are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The scholarship is organized by the University of Maine founded in 1865 alongside other scholarships. The university is a land and a great sea-grant institution. It is also the Flagship campus of the University of Maine System located in Orono along the banks of the Stillwater River.

Who Should Apply for Maine Global Partner Scholarship?

The scholarship opportunity is open to all graduating international students with a high CGPA; however, international transfer students or sponsored students are not eligible to apply. To be eligible to apply for Maine Global 2022, you must:

Level/Field of Study

The Scholarship is an undergraduate scholarship open to all graduating high school students.

Host Nationality

Maine Global for undergraduate students is hosted in the USA – State of Maine.

Eligible Nationality

All international students who satisfy other eligibility criteria can apply for Maine Global Partner 2021.

What Does Maine Global Partner Undergraduate Scholarship Cover?

Beneficiaries of Maine Global 2022 will get $12, 000 per academic year for a maximum of of 4 years.

How to Apply for Maine Global Partner Undergraduate Scholarship

To apply for Maine Global Partner 2022, simply complete your application for admission. Basically, no extra application is required for this Maine Undergraduate scholarship. To complete your application for admission, follow the steps below:

When is the Deadline for Maine Global Scholarship 2022?

Application for Maine Global 2022 closes on February 1, 2022. Application for Maine global scholarship closes on February 1, 2022. All international students graduating high school in the State of Maine with high CGPA can apply for Maine Global 2022. To apply for Maine Global Scholarship; simply complete your application for admissions at University of Maine.


Graduating high school with high CGPA is beautiful and needs to be encouraged. If you are in the state of Maine and finance poses a challenge to complete higher education, simply use your reward for studying hard in high school at the University of Maine. The scholarship awards $12, 000 per academic year to beneficiaries for 4 years. Read this piece to discover if you are eligible to apply. If you are, do click the application portal button to apply for Maine Global 2021.



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