Statistics show that Ukrainians make up one-third of the total European workforce. Specifically, “Ukrainian migrants are a huge source of labor across Europe, making up the largest group of migrant workers on the continent”. Because of this large influx of Ukrainians to Europe, World Scholarship Forum has put together this article to explain the best work opportunities for Ukrainians in Europe. You may wish to develop a skillset in Information Technology. The work opportunities for IT specialists in Europe are endless. The salary is the highest, plus numerous freelance opportunities. Meanwhile, here is the table of content for all we will discuss in this article.

Why Should I Work in Europe as a Ukrainian?

The main reason for migrating to Europe as a Ukrainian is to find better work opportunities. And there are lots of these in Europe. The starting salary even for menial jobs is more almost double of Ukraine salary. As a result, Ukrainians form one of the largest groups of all third-country nationals living and working in the European Union.

Do I need a Visa to work in Europe as a Ukrainian?

Yes. You need a visa to work in Europe as a Ukrainian. Even with the free travel to some areas of Europe, Ukrainians need a visa to work. You must apply and obtain an employment visa to be able to work in Europe. Although Ukraine is not part of the European Union, it recently signed an association agreement that grants Ukrainian citizens access to travel to the Schengen area for free for up to 90 days. Well, 90 days is a short time to start seeking employment in a new country. This may end by the end of 2022 when Ukrainians will require a European visa waiver. Ukrainians who wish to travel to the Schengen Area will apply for the visa waiver. This law will enhance security for both the immigrant and residents. You can study first before migrating to work in Europe. Read: 10 Best Distance Learning Universities in Europe

Is it Easy to get Employed in Europe as a Ukrainian?

Absolutely! It is now very easy to get employed in Europe as a Ukrainian. For example, some countries like Germany and Poland have opened their arms to Ukrainian workers through the skilled immigration act. Now, Ukraine citizens can be legally employed in the country without first considering EU citizens. Everyone has an equal ground for fair play. German opened their labour market creating over a million vacancies which Ukrainians can fill. However, you have to learn and demonstrate a significant command of the native language.

What is the Salary for Ukrainians Working in Europe?

The average salary for a Ukrainian working in Europe is about EUR 640 per month. The main reason Ukrainians migrate abroad especially to Europe is because of the salary structure. The average monthly salary of a worker in Ukraine when converted amounts to about EUR 276. This amount is less than half the average monthly salary of a worker abroad which is around EUR 640.

What Are the Top 10 Work Opportunities in Europe for Ukrainians?

#1 Medical Doctors/Nurses

This is one of the in-demand work opportunities in Europe for Ukrainians. The easiest way to get a job as a doctor in Europe is to get a diploma in the country you wish to work in. Also, focus on special disciplines that are highly demanded. Denmark requires the highest number of Doctors in Europe. The specialists in Denmark earn an average of $91,000 annually, whereas general practitioners earn approximately $109,000 annually. Switzerland doctors are among the highest paid in Europe. Specialists make an impressive $130,000, whereas general practitioners make approximately $116,000 annually. Therefore, Ukrainian doctors who wish to work in Europe can try out these countries.

#2 Teachers/Educators

This is another highly demanded work in Europe for Ukrainians. Starting from university professors to high school and pre-creche teachers, there is always a need for educators in Europe. One important factor to note in the profession of teaching is that the higher your qualifications the higher the salary. Although there is a job for people with diverse qualifications, we advise you to upgrade your qualification and take a Europass Academy course to be duly qualified for the teaching profession. Additionally, the five countries that pay their teachers most are all located in Europe. They include Luxembourg; Switzerland with an average teacher salary of $69,705; Germany with $61,418; Norway with $47,313; and Denmark with $46,784. Read this post: Top 10 Opportunities for Teaching English in France in 2022.

#3 Construction Engineer

European countries occupy the list for highest paying countries for civil engineers. Here is an indicator; a fresh graduate of civil engineering can earn 59,000 euros a year while those with over 10 years of experience are able to make 79,000 euros a year on average. People with masters earn up to 82,000 euros a year. The manual construction workers are not left out. In fact, all construction jobs require the services of manual workers. Although their salary may fall below $40,000 this increases with years of experience. This is a top work opportunity for Ukrainans in Europe.

#4 Finance Assoiate

By financnce associates, we mean jobs related to accounting, loans, insurance, real estate, and lots more. In Europe, Ukrainians who work as accounting assistants can expect to earn about Assistant Accountant £24000 – £26000 per year. Many companies including European Union have vacancies for finance experts. This is because Europe has many fintech companies that will employ you.

#5 Administrative Assistant

In 2022, there are over a thousand administrative assistant jobs for Ukrainians and residents of Europe. To make the most of this career opportunity, you may choose to become a customer service representative, executive assistant, sales associate, receptionist, or even an office assistant. This career path requires less education depending on the organization in Europe Ukrainians work for. The salary structure is also very attractive. For instance, in Germany, the national average for an administrative assistant job is €40,000.

#6 Factory Operators

Europe has tons of manufacturing companies and these need the services of factory operators. There is a spot for Ukrainians with all manner of qualifications to work in European manufacturing companies.

#7 Comunication Officer

Communication officers in Europe usually hold a bachelor’s in communication, journalism, public relations, or other related fields. Relevant years of experience coupled with written and verbal communication skills are the best skillsets for a communication officer. This career option is also highly-demanded. Employers usually seek officers who are multi-lingual, proficient in 2 EU languages, including the English language. Ukrainains who work in Europe are the best fit for this position.

#8 Translator and Copywriter

This work opportunity in Europe for Ukrainans can either be done remotely or with marketing agencies. Translation and copywriting jobs can be found online. It requires above-average knowledge of the language needed because you need to be persuasive to sell a copy. Translators and copywriters make lots of money. An early career German Translator with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $60,000 (5 salaries were reviewed).

#9 Social Workers

This is one of the most needed jobs in Europe. More people are needed. Actually, many Ukrainians travel to Europe to work as a social worker. Be ready to learn the foreign language of the country. The starting salary of social workers and social education workers is therefore between €2,784 and €3,610 per month, depending on their role. The salary increases with experience even up to €4,152 and €5,446 euros per month, depending on the role. If you want to succeed as a social worker, try getting a diploma or a certificate in psychology, child care or substance abuse.

#10 Chef/Resturant Worker

Getting a job as a chef or resturant worker in Europe as a Ukrainian is an easy job. There is a job on almost every corner and street. Be good at bartending, learn to cook continental meals, and communication skills. If you wish to work in exquisite restaurants, you may have to attend culinary school.

#11 IT Specialists

IT specialists are in demand everywhere in the world. Ukrainians who wish to work for high-paying organizations in Europe should learn any information technology skill. It may be software development, programming/coding, IT analysis, etc. The opportunities are endless. Read: Top 15 Medical Volunteer Opportunities In 2022 For Students

Which Country has the Highest Job Opportunities in Europe?

Generally, Malta currently has the highest employment rate of recent graduates in Europe at 94.5 percent, according to research by The Knowledge Academy. Followed by Germany (90.9 percent) and the Netherlands (90.4 percent). Spain, Norway, and Switzerland follow suit. Bear in mind that some career opportunities have specific countries in which their employment options are highest. Example Medical doctors are highly needed in Denmark. No, it isn’t. Especially for countries like Germany and Poland that have relinquished the employment law of employ Europeans before Non-EUs. Now, everyone can find employment but with a work permit. The average salary for a Ukrainian working in Europe is about EUR 640 per month. Generally, Malta currently has the highest employment rate of recent graduates in Europe at 94.5%, according to research by The Knowledge Academy. Followed by Germany (90.9%) and the Netherlands (90.4 %).


Before migrating to a country, the immigrant has to ask the right questions, one of which is the jobs/work available to him. This enables him to know the skill set required in the new environment. This is basically the reason fr this article, to enlighten Ukrainians who wish to migrate to Europe for work. Amongst other things, Ukrainians can find he best countries in Europe to work in. Worldscholarshipforum cares!

