These World Bank Fellowships are worth up to $25,000, rest and go through the content, the World Scholarship Forum has arranged all the details you need to win the World bank fellowships.

About Robert S. McNamara fellowships

The Robert S. McNamara Scholarship Program (RSMFP) provides support to developing country citizens (.xlsx) who are currently Ph.D. candidates and are studying in developing countries, up to $25,000 to conduct Ph.D. research on a development topic in a World Bank member country other than the Fellow’s home country or country of residence. This is a great opportunity for researchers from the most promising developing countries to advance their doctoral work with the best international advisers and host institutions in their fields of study.

Level / Field of Study

The World bank fellowships are open to students enrolled in a Ph.D. program and research will be carried out in any of these topics: economics, health, education, agriculture, environment, natural resource management, or other development-related topics.

Host Nationality

Host institution in any country other than the country of origin of the candidates. You can utilize the RSM scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academic problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply to study in Europe, Africa, Asia, America, etc.

Eligible Nationality

The World Bank funds are open to World Bank member countries. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship. Aside from the World bank fellowships 2022, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Worth

The RSM Fellowship Program offers developing country nationals a maximum of US $ 25,000 to conduct development-related Ph.D. research under the supervision of a host advisor from a university, research or development institution from a member country of the World Bank. Details on eligible expenses are provided in the application instructions.

Eligibility For The World Bank Fellowships 2022

Be a national of a World Bank member developing country;Not hold dual citizenship of a developed country;Be 35 years of age or younger on the Application Deadline date;Be enrolled in a PhD program in a member developing country of the World Bank at the time of applicationReside in a member developing country of the World Bank since enrolled in the PhD program;Have completed all coursework and exam requirements for attaining a PhD at the time of application;Have a PhD thesis centered on a field of development.Not be a staff member (which includes consultant) or a relative of a staff member of the World Bank Group

Selection Criteria: The RSM Fellowship Program uses the following process to review completed applications, in order to identify eligible applicants presenting the most innovative and relevant research proposals in the field of development. Two qualified reviewers independently review each eligible application to assess the following:

Quality of the proposed fellowship (70%)Prospects for a productive career in research post-PhD (30%)

Selection process: All criteria are strictly adhered to. No exceptions are made. The eligibility criteria will NOT change during an open call for applications. However, this information may change between the close of an application process and the opening of the next process.

How To Apply For The Robert S. McNamara fellowships

Deadline For The Robert S. McNamara fellowships

The deadline for the application of the World bank fellowships 2022 is May 2. After that, further applications will not be considered.

For more information and application on the Robert S. McNamara fellowships. Click on the link below: Official Website


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